Published: November 8th, 2016
Businesses operating in the Midlands’ composite industry are being invited to a special event that will focus on the help and support available to the sector.
Supporting Composites Industry Growth in the West Midlands at the University of Wolverhampton’s Telford campus on November 23 will feature a number of guest speakers, including LEP Director Gill Hamer.
Gill will join experts speaking on funding, innovation, manufacturing, and supporting growth at the day-long event organised by Composites UK in partnership with the Marches Growth Hub, University of Wolverhampton, Lloyds Bank, and the Department of International Trade.
Duncan Varnes, Operations Director with GKN Land Systems is a LEP board member and the partnership’s Manufacturing Champion. He said: "Specialist events like this are vital to shine a light on the range of support that is available to help businesses grow and thrive.
"There will be a wealth of knowledge to be shared and the opportunity for those working in the composite industry to make valuable connections."
Gerald Whitworth from the Department of International Trade will speak about export opportunities, Ciaran Leaden from Lloyds Bank on support for manufacturers, and Stella Job from Composites UK on supporting growth in the UK supply chain.
Optional afternoon activities include a tour of the University of Wolverhampton and the chance to meet Eastern European companies looking for UK suppliers.
To register for the free event, book online:
09:30 Registration
10:00 Introduction – Stella Job, Composites UK
10:05 Welcome – Professor Ian Oakes, University of Wolverhampton
10:10 LEP Activity in the West Midlands – Gill Hamer, Marches LEP
10:25 Composites UK: Supporting growth in the UK supply chain – Stella Job, Composites UK
10:35 Developing composites capability for the automotive sector – Henry Sarel-Cooke, GKN Land Systems (Autostructures)
10:50 Case Study
11:05 Networking & Refreshment break
11:35 Lloyds Bank: Support for Manufacturers – Ciaran Leaden, Lloyds Bank
11:45 Innovation support for small companies in the West Midlands – Prof Andrew Pollard, University of Wolverhampton
11.55 Case Study
12:05 West Midlands Manufacturing Club: Composites Cluster Launch – Rebecca Macdonald, University of Wolverhampton
12:20 Export Opportunities – Department for International Trade (formerly UKTI) – Gerald Whitworth, DIT
12.30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:30 – optional afternoon activities:
Tour of the University of Wolverhampton & Formula 3 activities only
Composites UK meeting* plus tour of the University of Wolverhampton & Formula 3
Eastern European Trade Mission – one to one meetings between delegates and Eastern
European companies set up by DIT looking for UK suppliers to their industry.
*The Composites UK meeting is open to members and non-members wishing to discuss how to make the most of membership to the association in detail.