Published: January 8th, 2021
A webinar to help companies which supply goods and services to Herefordshire Council is being held later this month.
The council is developing the way it buys goods and services to maximise the benefit to local people and communities, the local economy and the environment.
The January 25 webinar will help explain some of the changes.
Since the Public Services Social Value Act 2012, public services have been required to consider how they can secure wider social, economic and environmental benefits through their purchasing and contracting arrangements.
A recent review of the council’s social value processes has highlighted areas for improvement to ensure the most benefit locally. This includes providing suppliers with information on priority focus areas so they know how they can best contribute.
Councillor Gemma Davies, Cabinet member commissioning, procurement and assets said: "We can be doing more to use the council’s buying power to drive improvements to social, economic and environmental wellbeing locally.
"By ensuring our suppliers commit to adding social value this can assist in creating and retaining local prosperity in the widest sense – through supporting local employment, improving skills and job prospects, tackling inequality and improving quality of life.
"Our new approach will build on what is already established to help maximise social value contributions from the supply chain. We will be highlighting priority areas for our suppliers, aligned with the priorities in our county plan, so they can respond in ways that best fit the needs of our county."
Examples of social value contributions from suppliers include local voluntary work, offering work experience and training opportunities and working towards being carbon neutral by 2030.
Suppliers can register to join the webinar here.
More information on selling to Herefordshire council can be found at Doing Business With the Council, where you will also find a link to register on our eTendering portal for tender opportunities.