Published: August 7th, 2019
The appointment of a new Prime Minister has brought fresh urgency to the UK’s Brexit planning – and swathes of new advice for businesses about what they should be doing to prepare for life outside the EU.
Fortunately, the Marches Growth Hub has added a special new device to our Brexit toolkit to help make your planning as simple as possible.
Our Brexit triage tool will help you discover what your business or organisation may need to do to prepare for Brexit, what’s changing in your industry and give you vital information on specific rules and regulations.
By clicking on the Preparing for EU exit link here you will be able to answer seven simple questions to get guidance relevant to your business or organisation.
We’ve also update our toolkit with all the latest information coming out of Whitehall, covering areas such as importing and exporting, advice on protecting your Intellectual Property rights and sector-by-sector advice sheets.
And we’d love to hear from you about how prepared you are for Brexit Day on October 31.
Our Marches Growth Hub Brexit Preparation Survey only takes a couple of minutes to complete but the information we gather could be vital in helping ensure the Marches is well placed to deal with Brexit whatever challenges and opportunities it throws at us.
Just click here to complete the survey