Call for creative industries to have their say

Call for creative industries to have their say

Published: July 17th, 2017

bigstock-graphicdesignIf you work in a creative industry in The Marches, you’re being invited to have your say on how future Government priorities and spending could benefit your business.

The Creative Industries Council is asking for your experiences and opinions in a new survey
designed to help policy makers better understand the financial issues faced by creative industry businesses.

So if you are involved in advertising and marketing; architecture; crafts; design and designer fashion; film, TV, video, radio or photography; IT, software, computer services and computer games; publishing; museums, galleries and libraries; or music, performing and visual arts, they want to hear from you!

This is a unique chance to help influence and shape the support available to businesses like yours in the future. The results will be used to inform proposals to the Government for a creative industries ‘sector deal’ as part of the Industrial Strategy.

The survey closes on July 28. Click here to take part.

All information that is provided by businesses will be treated by BDRC Continental in the strictest confidence.

To find out more about the work of the Creative Industries Council please visit their website:

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