Business Doctors are offering businesses the chance to take part in a fully funded online business planning workshop focusing on business regeneration in the ‘new normal.’ The cost of the workshop and toolkit would normally be £500, however we are offering the workshop for FREE. As this is a workshop with full engagement and peer group interaction and learning, places on each one is limited to 10 business owners.
The Business Regeneration Planning Workshop and Toolkit will benefit business owners by guiding them through a 6R process:
• Return – How to balance the responsibility on employers between getting their business going, and their duty of care to employees and customers
• Renew – Taking a step back to renew personal aspirations, core purpose, set a vision for the future and build a shared purpose with the team
• Review Take stock of the world around you. What’s changed? What does it mean for your business? How might you need to adapt?
• Refresh – Energising your business model and approach. Listen, learn, and reposition around new opportunities
• Revive Give new energy and strength to the business. Identify the skills you will need, set out a clear proposition and point of difference. Be clear about what will make you different and make you better as you come out of this
• Regenerate Time to lead and set a clear direction. Re-energising your business around your new strategy and actions plans.
For more information and to register, please click here.