Join us for this 2 hour, online workshop looking at the role of technology in monitoring wildlife. Agenda below:
1.00 – 1.25 pm: Ian Taylor, Nature Metrics – eDNA: how we measure biodiversity
Ian will present the eDNA work carried out to monitor biodiversity. eDNA is a powerful tool and it can do more than measure a handful of species. By adding eDNA to the toolbox, it is possible to improve biodiversity data collection at scale.
1.30 – 1.55 pm: Stuart Edmunds, Shropshire Mammal Group and Shropshire Wildlife Trust – Importance of Camera Traps in Wildlife Conservation
Many mammal species are difficult to spot in the wild. Traditionally the presence of otters, polecats, stoats and even large deer was only traceable thanks to the tracks and field signs they left behind. The accessibility of camera trap technology has helped ecologists monitor mammals we knew were there, but could never spot, and has even helped us to discover animals that were long lost in Shropshire.
2.00 – 3.00 pm: Alicia Leow-Dyke, Wildlife Trusts Wales and Matt Wilcoxon, Shrewsbury Town Council – Past, Present and Future
Alicia and Matt will explore the history of beavers in Britain and why we want to see the return of this fascinating animal. They will also have a look at what has been happening in Wales with an update from the Welsh Beaver Project. Matt will talk specifically about the work being carried out at the Old River Bed site in Shrewsbury to reintroduce beavers. They will share volunteering opportunities within the various projects.
This talk is part of University of Chester’s ‘Collaboration for Change’ week in advance of COP26.
A link to join this online talk will be emailed to registered attendees on Monday 25th October.
Running from 25th October to 29th October, please visit the Green Chester website for more information about events being held during the festival .
CREST@UCS is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Photo credit: Alicia Leow-Dyke