As COVID restrictions are lifted, not everyone is feeling better.
Mental health training is one of the key ways of changing the experience of people affected by poor mental health in Herefordshire.
Through this time limited FREE training, we aim to enable people to feel more comfortable and confident to talk about mental health and know more about how to respond when problems arise.
Mental Health Awareness training – 3 hours, face to face or online
This 3 hour course is designed and delivered by Herefordshire Mind to enable you to understand more about wellbeing and mental health and what it means for you and your community. Things can impact on all of us that change our wellbeing and mental health for better or worse. This short session will increase awareness for you and others around you.
It will give you:
- an awareness of what is meant by mental health and mental health problems
- a knowledge of what vulnerability is and some tools to protect mental wellbeing
- information about how mental health conditions are diagnosed
- an overview of some of the signs and symptoms of common mental health conditions and what treatments are available
- what options are available to help support people with their mental health or when they are in crisis
Everyone will receive a resource pack including copies of the presentation together with useful information covering things like:
- Find the words (how to speak to your GP about a mental health issue)
- Self-esteem
- Anger
- Loneliness
- Stress
Who is it aimed at:
Herefordshire Council has funded this programme to support the mental health and wellbeing of local residents. This is for you if you are over the age of 18, based in Herefordshire and looking for a basic introduction to mental health or taking your first steps into mental health first aid training.
How to book:
Booking closes Friday 20 May.