Support Finder

Find and view details for all of the help and support that may be available for you and your business.

Support Finder

176 results

European IP Helpdesk

A first-line intellectual property (IP) service providing free-of-charge support to help European SMEs and beneficiaries of […]

Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

Advice and guidance on data protection, GDPR and information management.

Make UK

Make UK champions and celebrates British manufacturing and manufacturers.

Intellectual Property Office (IPO)

UK government body responsible for intellectual property (IP) rights including patents, designs, trade marks and copyright.

Virgin Start Up

Virgin StartUp helps founders in the UK start and grow the businesses they’re passionate about. It’s time to start-up and thrive.

Start Up Loans

Start Up Loans for pre-start ups and businesses trading up to three years or second Start Up Loans for businesses trading up to five years.

Riverside Training

We offer a range of different services which include Commercial Training, Fully Funded Training, Apprenticeships & the Apprenticeship Levy.

The Prince’s Trust Enterprise Programme

If you’re 18 to 30, living in the UK and unemployed or working fewer than 16 […]

Nova Training

Nova Training provides high quality education, training & apprenticeship opportunities.

Help with moving from benefits to work

Government advice and support for people starting and running their own business.

Mentors me

An online gateway for small and medium-sized enterprises looking for mentoring services

Juniper Training

Innovative, flexible and experienced provider in delivering training solutions to individuals and businesses.

176 results