The Innovation Voucher grants are available to support small-and-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) based in the Shropshire Council area. The Innovation Voucher grants are available in the value of £1,500 or £2,500 (£1 for £1 match funded).
The grants can be used by businesses to support their innovation and growth of their business; it can be used to access external expertise, such as consultants, software developers, marketing agencies, or knowledge based institutions to develop new products, services, or internal processes etc.
Grants are £1 for £1 match funded. What this means is that if you are applying for an Innovation Voucher grant of £2,500, your project must cost a minimum of £5,000 (ex. VAT if your business is VAT registered), this is also known as a 50% match requirement.
Applications must be for future projects (i.e. not have started yet) and must be completed within 3 months receiving an approval email.
Please note, the Innovation Voucher grants do not cover any capital cost projects.
There is limited availability, so do not hesitate to apply.