Published: December 4th, 2019
A free networking and advice event which helped celebrate the role social enterprises play across Shropshire has been hailed a huge success.
The Shrewsbury event – staged by the Marches Growth Hub Shropshire and Partners for Social Enterprise (PSE) CIC – marked national Social Enterprise Week 2019 and offered support to new and existing social enterprises, small businesses, charities and not-for-profit organisations.
Emma Chapman, Marches Growth Hub Manager Shropshire, said the event had been very well attended and received overwhelmingly positive feedback.
"We were absolutely delighted with the range of people, organisations and interested groups who attended the event, and all told us just how useful it had been.
"The event provided a real opportunity for people to network with like-minded businesses, see how they can all work more closely together, hear from successful social entrepreneurs and celebrate all things social.
"Shropshire is officially recognised as a Social Enterprise Place, which means that it’s a county where social enterprise is thriving and the local authority along with partner organisations is committed to investing locally in the sector.
"Events like this are one of the reasons the county has a reputation for helping social enterprises to flourish to the benefit of the whole area, helping develop skills, creating jobs and regenerating areas."
Nicky Kent from PSE CIC partnered the Growth Hub at the event whilst the keynote speech was given by Andrew O’Brien, director of external affairs at Social Enterprise UK – the world’s leading authority on social enterprise and the biggest network of social enterprises in the UK.
He said that 100,000 social enterprises across the country now employed more than 2 million people in a sector worth £60bn to the national economy.
The event, hosted by the University Centre Shrewsbury, also featured one-to-one sessions, networking and advice sessions.