Published: May 9th, 2017
If you’re an SME with ambitious plans for growth, having the right team to help you put those plans into action can be a major stumbling block.
Being able to fund the staff you need or finding people with the knowledge to make it happen can stop your plans getting off the ground.
But there’s a new business improvement programme, part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), that can help.
KEEN (Knowledge Exchange & Enterprise Network) offers SMEs a package of support worth £16,000 to take on a graduate to help build your business.
Supported by a university, you get a graduate for anywhere between six to 18 months to work on a bespoke project. Based on an average company investment of £16,000, you get a package of support worth the same that includes access to university’s resources such as facilities and expertise and access to an equipment and travel budget.
It’s open to a vast range of organisations including SMEs at pre-innovation level and micro businesses if they can show the right commitment to the scheme.
One of the key benefits of KEEN is the fast turnaround time. From application to approval is usually around three weeks, so recruitment times are minimised and projects can start quickly, helping you put those plans into action as quickly as possible.
For more information, visit, telephone 01902 321 272 or email [email protected].