Published: July 4th, 2018
It’s a fact. Our region has some of the best high streets in the country.
Now there is a real opportunity to make sure their excellence is honoured nationally through a prestigious awards scheme.
The Government has launched the Great British High Street Awards – and has named this week (July 16) High Streets Week.
So it’s time for all of us to help make sure our high streets get the recognition they deserve by doing everything we can to put them forward for these honours.
The awards are designed tocelebrate local achievements on high streets across Great Britain and Northern Ireland and entrants stand a chance of winning up to £10,000 to spend on their community, plus on-the-ground support and events from the Government campaign and street teams.
There is also the opportunity for retailers, small businesses and the public to participate in a spend and win competition supported by Visa, the lead sponsor of the awards.
Here’s how all of us can help.
Encourage your local high street to enter
Encourage your local MPs to visit the dedicated MP microsite
Talk to any of the organisations which can make an application and get them swinging into action. These include: Business Improvement Districts, local councils, parish councils, town teams, town centre partnerships, community interest companies, chambers of commerce and trading associations.
Winners will be named for each of the four home nations in both a Champion High Street category, for the best of the best, and the Rising Star category for those High Streets which are taking the lead and working together to regenerate, adapt and diversify.
And one brilliant High Street – and it could be one of ours – will be named the best in Britain.
Entries have to be in by August 15 and the shortlist will be announced on September 10.
So why wait? Get your application in today and let the whole country know just how great our High Streets are.