Published: June 4th, 2020
The Marches Growth Hub Herefordshire and Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce have joined forces to help businesses get access to funding and support in the wake of the coronavirus crisis.
They are staging a free Zoom online session to outline the grants and support available through the hub, including presentations on B2B funding and the 2020 update of the Travel Fund Grant in Herefordshire.
The session will outline some of the key funding programmes which can help businesses as they recover from the lockdown and highlight other help available from the hub – the county’s one-top business advice centre.
The session – on June 17 at Noon – will cover:
• The Business Growth Programme – grant fund to support growth and innovation
• The Marches Building Investment Grant – grant fund to support new builds, physical expansion and reconfiguration
• Small Equipment Grant – grant fund to assist with small capital purchases to support growth and productivity
• Travel Fund Grant including home working equipment – grant fund towards equipment to support home working
To join the meeting register at the Chamber’s website at or via [email protected] and you will receive a password just before the webinar takes place.
Details of the Zoom meeting are: Meeting ID: 851 7949 6972