Published: September 5th, 2018
Employers across Herefordshire are being urged to apply for a new grant to help workers get out of their cars for the daily commute.
Herefordshire Council’s TravelFund grant can typically provide up to £1,000 to help employees leave the car at home for their journey to work and use more sustainable transport instead.
The scheme aims to reduce business mileage by making it easier for employees to walk, cycle, catch the bus or train, or car-share to work.
It can also provide funding to help more staff work from home to help further reduce business commuting.
Bids for funding under the scheme, supported by Access Fund from the Department for Transport, must be submitted by October 31.
Examples of initiatives which might attract funding include:
- Pool bikes, including folding bikes,
- for business use Changing facilities for cyclists, clothes lockers and wardrobes
- Remote working and video conferencing equipment
You can apply for a grant to cover more than one facility – for example both bikes and lockers for cyclists – and you can apply for funding under the 2018 scheme even if you received a grant last year.
The grant can cover 100 per cent of eligible project costs up to a maximum of £1,000 – though organisations with more than 250 employees may be able to apply for more for covered cycle parking.
To apply, your business or organisation must have signed up to be a member of the Travel for Work Hereford network – a free service open to all Herefordshire businesses and organisations.
You can apply to join the network here To find out more about the grant read the special information sheet here; and to apply click here:
Completed forms should be emailed to [email protected] or posted to Delegated Grants and Programmes Team, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0LE.