Published: March 24th, 2017
Food and tourism businesses in the Marches are being urged to tap into grants of more than £35,000 to help them grow and diversify.
A total of £3.5 million is on offer in the region for rural businesses working in either sector through DEFRA’s latest round of funding in its Growth Programme.*
The grants are funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), which is part of the European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF).
Two major strands include funding for food and drink businesses that process agricultural and horticultural products and a rural tourism grant for small businesses and farmers who want to diversify.
The Marches Growth Hub, which provides support and funding advice to businesses across the region, is urging people to find out more about what’s on offer.
Paul Hinkins, Chair of the Marches Growth Hub said:"These grants are a golden opportunity for businesses in two of our key growth sectors in the Marches to fund ambitious plans for development.
"It’s a competitive bidding process so it’s vital that applicants get advice on the criteria they need to meet and how to apply to improve their chances to securing a grant.
"Our advisors can help demystifying funding applications like these and go through eligibility rules with businesses prior to making an application. The Marches Growth Hub is happy to help at all stages of the process."
For more information on the funding, call the Marches Growth Hub on 0345 6000 727 or email [email protected]. The hub can provide support for Expressions of Interest, which must be submitted by January 2018.