Published: April 1st, 2022
A new online portal to help Shropshire companies share the secrets of their success – and learn from the best – is being launched this week.
SBLTV Knowledge is a free-to-access interactive archive of videos, podcasts, blogs and top tips for local businesses.
It has been created by the award-winning media team behind Shropshire Business Live TV – Shrewsbury-based multimedia and events company Yarrington, Shropshire Business magazine, and online news and entertainment service Shropshire Live.
The aim is to put businesses directly in touch with each other to exchange advice, or ask questions, as well as building up a jargon-busting library of business support information.
Video and audio masterclasses will give companies chance to share best practice, and the ‘talking points’ section looks at some of the biggest current issues facing the business community today.
The portal, which will be launched on Friday April 1, brings together a wide range of impartial and downloadable content – in written, audio and video form – compiled and moderated by the team which delivers SBLTV.
SBLTV Knowledge has been funded by Shropshire Council’s Economic Recovery Programme, working in association with The Marches Growth Hub Shropshire.
The programme was set up to meet local economic need following the Covid-19 pandemic and deliver Shropshire-wide business outcomes.
Carl Jones, editor of Shropshire Business and one of the SBLTV presenters, said: “We hope this will be a useful addition to the range of services already on offer from business support agencies across Shropshire.
“This is not about competition, but collaboration. We are creating a bespoke, dynamic and editorially independent information sharing portal which can signpost help, advice, partnership working and networking opportunities.
“We want to showcase people’s views on issues such as work-life balance, create a forum for discussion where no-one is judged, and help companies to connect with local suppliers – keeping the ‘Shropshire pound’ here in the county.”
Chris Pritchard, editor of Shropshire Live and another of SBLTV’s presenters, added: “Our monthly SBLTV show will continue to offer a blend of entertainment and information.
“SBLTV Knowledge will complement this by providing a regularly updated portal for information and impartial tips – delivered by Shropshire businesses, for Shropshire businesses.”
The free service will include first-hand stories from a wide range of successful Shropshire business people in a ‘Things I’ve Learned’ collection.
There will also be a series of ‘How to…’ guides, plus a ’60 seconds with’ section where business owners give a snapshot of their philosophies and future plans.
The service will also share useful business support information from other organisations and agencies, and signpost other places where help is on offer.
Mark Allsop, managing director of Yarrington and director of the SBLTV shows, said: “Using our combined multimedia expertise and facilities, we want to bring together like-minded businesses for mutual benefit.
“The site is built around five basic pillars – business information to watch or read, interactive elements where companies can get involved, useful resources, personal support and development, and up-to-date news on topical talking points.”
Emma Chapman, manager for the Marches Growth Hub Shropshire, added: “We are thrilled to be supporting this project through our economic recovery programme.
“The team behind SBLTV are dedicated to helping boost the county’s businesses and this portal sounds the perfect way to help them share learning and grow.
“Countywide, this programme of support has backed numerous projects to the benefit of both the economy and community and this looks to be another real winner.”
SBLTV Knowledge also signposts companies to other business support organisations, offering a platform to share and link to their own resources.
All businesses across the county will be encouraged to take ownership of the information which is made available on the free-to-access service, by helping to populate the portal. The portal is also being seen as a valuable inward investment showcase for Shropshire, giving potential investors a chance to find out more about what our county has to offer, and ask relevant questions.