Get help to protect your business from cyber attacks

Get help to protect your business from cyber attacks

Published: May 22nd, 2019

Cyber CrimeHere’s a frightening statistic for you if you are in business in the Marches.

According to official figures from the Government, 43 per cent of all businesses reported a cyber security attack in the last 12 months.

Just take a moment to let that figure sink in. It means that almost every other business in the region has been targeted in the course of just one year.

It’s difficult to overstate the risk these attacks pose.

The head of the National Cyber Security Centre has already said the risk of the UK suffering a major national attack is a matter of ‘when not if".

And whilst the threat to your business might be of a more localised nature, it simply cannot be under-estimated.

So, here’s the $64,000 question: As a small Shropshire business, what are you doing to protect yourself? If the answer is not enough, then help is at hand.

The Marches Growth Hub and Connect2Grow have teamed up to stage a free two-hour seminar on June 18 at the University Centre Shrewsbury to help small businesses across the region improve their digital security.

The event will cover some of the big challenges in cyber security and set you on the path to making sure you have procedures in place to safeguard against them.

Over the course of the two hours, you’ll learn how to

  • recognise business security risks
  • discover how to protect their company systems and data
  • prepare for business continuity in the event of a security breach

There will also be plenty of time for networking at the end of the session, so you can share your thoughts with colleagues and pick up useful tips from others in the same position as you.

The event gets under way at 9.15 and you can register here.

The Connect2Grow Project aims to raise digital awareness and increase the levels of digital skills within eligible Marches businesses.

If you are eligible, the project can offer advice in the following areas:

  • Web design management, e-commerce and social media
  • Cyber Crime and Cyber security (including a basic cyber check-up)
  • Drone technologies
  • CAD services
  • Local access to live streamed workshops and/or events
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