Published: May 23rd, 2018
Rural businesses in Shropshire, Telford and Herefordshire have just days left to tap into EU funding that could help grow their organisation and create new jobs.
Grants of up to £170,000 are available through DEFRA’s Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) and could be used to construct or improve business premises or to buy new equipment and machinery.
The grants are available for food and drink manufacturers, tourism attractions and for most rural businesses with less than 50 employees. Grants start at a minimum of £35,000 (£20,000 in north Shropshire) and applicants can apply for up to 40 per cent of eligible costs, however for certain ‘not for profit’ tourism projects the intervention rate could be higher.
The Marches Local Enterprise Partnership is particularly encouraging applications from farming businesses that want to diversify into non-agricultural activities and environmental and land based rural businesses wishing to expand but expressions of interest for a grant must be registered by May 31.
Roger Phillips, Chairman of the Marches ESIF committee, said: "It is important to recognise the important role that farmers and small rural businesses play in our local economy.
"Our participation in this DEFRA grant scheme will help those rural businesses deliver their growth aspirations, which in turn will support their rural communities."
Expressions of Interest for funding bids must be submitted by May 31. For more information and advice on how to apply, contact us on 0345 6000 727 or email [email protected].