WEBINAR Supporting employees experiencing domestic abuse Delivered by Shropshire Chamber

WEBINAR Supporting employees experiencing domestic abuse Delivered by Shropshire Chamber

West Mercia Women’s Aid (WMWA) is partnering with Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service (SDAS) to produce an online training resource for employers, to help them to understand the dynamics of domestic abuse so that they can better support their workforce.

It is recognised that one in four women will have experienced domestic abuse in their lifetime, and that men too may experience abuse in their domestic relationships. Domestic abuse has the potential to impact upon every aspect of a person’s life and those around them – family, friends, employers and professionals – are often at a loss as to how to help.

WMWA has commissioned the production of an online resource for employers that will both promote greater understanding and provide practical suggestions for how an employer may best support those in their workforce who have been victimised, bullied and controlled at home by those to whom one would instinctively look for love and support.

The webinar sessions will be delivered by sector specialists and will introduce an online interactive resource for employers that will include scenarios based upon the real life-stories of survivors, as well as advice for how to develop an employer’s Domestic Abuse Policy. The sessions will also profile the work of local specialist services and ensure that employers know where to go for further advice and guidance in the future.

For more information and to register, please click here.

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