Fully Funded 3 part workshop programme
Delivered in Invest Telford’s new home – The Quad
Access to 1-2-1 support
The Invest Telford team have designed a brand new programme specifically supporting newly trading start-ups with the essentials in business.
Delivered over 3 sessions (1 each month) you will be guided through the following by an experienced business consultant;
Tuesday 15th October – Planning for your Business (2 Hours)
- Investigating the 4 key areas to develop in your business
- Establishing goals, milestone and your ‘Why’
- Establishing your position in the market
- Positioning, establishing your reputation and branding develop your elevator pitch
- Establishing marketing strategies and making a plan (an overview)
- Financial planning and cashflow projections (an overview)
- Governance
Tuesday 12th November – Financial Planning and Forecasting (2 Hours)
Workshop to explore the requirements need for robust Financial planning.
- Understanding the numbers.
- Developing a break even and understand working capital.
- Developing a projected cash flow.
- Understanding revenue
- Understanding access to grants and other forms of finance.
Wednesday 11th December – Marketing the Deeper Dive – Creating the Demand (2 Hours)
- Meet customer needs profitably
- Effective lead generation
Once the workshop element has completed, business owners will then have the opportunity to apply for up to 4 hours targeted 1-2-1 support – eligibility criteria applies.