Identify the risks and opportunities associated with poor EPC’s and operational energy ratings across building portfolios. Learn about different approaches large pension funds are using to prioritise spend on building improvements.
9:30am-10am – Registration and networking
10am-11.15am – What’s changing in legislation including minimum energy efficiency standards and operational energy efficiency standards. What are the risks and opportunities? What are the next steps to achieve net-zero carbon across a portfolio of buildings – Andrew Cooper, EVORA EDGE
Andrew is a founding director of EVORA EDGE. He has more than 25 years of experience as a commercial property and engineering consultant including working for the Valuation Office Agency and Deloitte. He is one of the sector’s leading experts on using modelling software for strategic asset management.
11.15 – 11.45 – Coffee and networking
11.45 – 12.30 – Green finance opportunities – Peter Radford, Amber Infrastructure Group
Peter is a principal with Amber Infrastructure Group, a specialist international infrastructure investment company. Amber manages the Mayor of London’s Energy Efficiency Fund and the Green New Deal Fund with the North of Tyne Combined Authority. Amber also specialise in project investment that is focused on solar panels, battery storage, electric vehicle charging and energy performance contracting.
12:30pm-1pm – Networking lunch