The Quarterly Business Summit, originally planned for January 2023, has been brought forward to an online session on Tuesday 13th December so that we can seek your views on the budget consultation.
This year has seen unprecedented increases in costs for both residents and businesses across Herefordshire, and we recognise the impact on you and your families. It has also had a significant impact on the Council’s finance with large increases in costs for fuel, energy, adult social care, looked after children and environmental services.
We are currently carrying out stakeholder engagement across a wide range of groups, organisations and with individuals. This session is aimed specifically at businesses, so please join us and feed in your views and comments.
The online session will be delivered by senior council staff and supported by Impact Consultancy and Research to help shape the council’s budget for 2023 / 2024.
We would also like to update you on other council initiatives and will use any remaining time to cover updates on:
- Economic projects in the county
- Big Economic Plan
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund
- Rural Prosperity Fund
Feedback from these sessions, along with the wider stakeholder engagement, will help us identify a budget for Herefordshire which will enable us to deliver our priorities for the county over the coming period.
Please use link to register online.