*Fully funded, specialist advice sessions, for businesses who wish to move their carbon reduction journey forward.
*Open to businesses based in the Shropshire Council area*
Whether you are just getting started or already making progress a 121 in person meeting is a dedicated time to work on your organisation’s carbon reduction journey.
Maybe you want to:
· Review your current plan
· Know more about counting and measuring carbon emission
· Explore a consultant led carbon footprint exercise versus a DIY footprint exercise
· Get more engagement internally
· Raise capability internally so you can accelerate and scale action.
Or something else entirely.
This in-person 121 meeting is designed for entrepreneurs, small and medium businesses that want to move their carbon reduction journey forward.
These 45-minute sessions are fully funded through the Marches Growth Hub Shropshire.
Booking is easy, simply reserve your place by selecting your chosen day and time slot when you register!