Published: October 29th, 2020
It has never been more important for businesses to focus on growing revenue and a series of webinars have been launched to help.
The Deep-Dive Workshops for Business: The Applied Psychology of Sales Success will show directors, small business owners, sales managers and employees how to become more practised at selling to your ideal customers.
The four free webinars, organised by The Marches Growth Hub Shropshire and Shropshire Council, will be held through November and early December on Wednesday mornings and will highlight how to present your products for maximum impact and how to develop an incredible USP.
A well thought-out, successful sales strategy should not only help you mitigate current challenges but deliver critical results and help your business grow and flourish.
In this series of webinars, Alan Adams of Horizons Consultants will take you through an introduction into the psychological drivers you need to be thinking about at every stage of your clients’ customer journey – from the moment they land on your website to the moment they become a client.
Alan will also share his insights into what you need to do to turn every one of your clients into a raving fan, so they stay with you longer and spend more with you.
Emma Chapman, Marches Growth Hub manager, said: "We are delighted to offer these free webinars to help businesses in the county during these tough times.
"As any business owner knows, it is all about how you sell your product and to who – and these webinars will really help.
"They will be packed with vital information for newcomers and new hints, tips and refreshers for experienced businesses too."
The first webinar will be Sales and the Psychological Drivers You Have to Know to Succeed and will be held on Wednesday, November 11th at 9.30am.
The following Wednesday will be The Sales Warm Up – Everything Before The Sale That Makes Securing it Simple, including five things to make a sale simple.
On Wednesday, November 25th, business will be able to listen in to The Sale – What Needs to Happen to Get The Sale.
Finally, on Wednesday, December 2nd, will be The Sales Follow Up – What You Have to do to Keep Your Customers and Get New Ones.
You can reserve you place HERE today.