Published: August 14th, 2020
A £500million fund to help arts and cultural organisations recover from the devastating impact of coronavirus has officially opened.
The Culture Recovery Fund: Grants programme will offer grants of up to £3million to commercial and charitable cultural organisations in England who are facing financial difficulty as a result of the Covid-19 crisis.
Organisations across the Marches are now being urged to apply to Round One of the funding programme, the deadline for which is August 21, with grants of between £50,000 and £3million available.
An Arts Council spokesman said: "This grants programme is part of the Government’s £1.57 billion package to protect the UK’s culture and heritage sectors from the economic impacts of Covid-19.
"This fund is to enable cultural organisations that have been affected by the Covid-19 crisis to stay afloat, providing them with support over a six-month period to ensure that by 31 March 2021 they can reopen, either fully or partially, or operating on a sustainable, cost-efficient basis until they are able to reopen at a later date.
"We expect to allocate at least 75% of the overall budget in Round One of this fund and would strongly encourage applicants to apply to this round if possible."
The kinds of organisations that are eligible to apply include:
- limited companies registered at Companies House
- community interest companies (CICs) registered with the CIC regulator
- charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs) registered with the Charity Commission
- charitable companies or charitable trusts registered with the Charity Commission
- limited liability partnerships registered at Companies House
- partnerships established under a partnership deed/agreement
- community benefit and co-operative societies registered with the Financial Conduct Authority
- statutory bodies and other public bodies including Universities and museums who run or maintain cultural services
The lead organisation must also be able to provide at least one year’s independently certified or audited financial statements.
Round one is now open until 12pm (midday) on Friday 21 August. Round two is open from Friday 21 August, until 12pm (midday) on Friday 4 September.
For more details click here