Published: March 28th, 2017
Healthcare costs are rising across the world as a growing and ageing population brings with it an increasing burden of disease.
There is a greater need than ever to provide effective and efficient ways of meeting this healthcare challenge.
That’s why the Biomedical Catalyst supports innovative solutions to healthcare challenges. It is funded by Innovate UK, the Medical Research Council and Scottish Enterprise.
Businesses can apply for a share of up to £12 million to develop innovative ideas that will help to detect, manage and treat disease.
A competition for the funding will be launched at the end of March and aims to
develop healthcare technologies and processes that will help provide one or more of the following:
- disease prevention and proactive management of health and chronic conditions
- earlier and better detection and diagnosis of disease, leading to better patient outcomes
- tailored treatments that either change the underlying disease or offer potential cures
This competition is for late stage awards only. It is seeking projects that test a well-developed concept and show effectiveness in a relevant environment.